

Single: The Music Kungfu Master

The Music Kungfu Master

My latest single "The Music Kungfu Master" is released on 20-May-2022 (Fri), on various social media and digital music platforms.

This is my 2nd collaboration with songwriter Derrick Tham & Lyricist Lynn Lee, and guitarist/Music composer & arranger Sin Sek Jhia to compose an original song about my music journey and my experiences in teaching special needs children music.

It's also my 1st attempt at composing both the melody and writing the lyrics of a song! A fun song with punch and grooves that you can do *kungfu solfege strikes* while singing along! 🤩😁😜

Composer: Tay Sia Yeun, Derrick Tham, Sin Sek Jhia
Lyricist: SiaYeun Tay, Lynn Lee
Backing Vocals Arrangement: Sin Sek Jhia, Peng Chi Sheng, Tay Sia Yeun
Backing Vocals: Sin Sek Jhia, Aaron Matthew Lim
Music Arranger, Recording & Mixing: Sin Sek Jhia
Mastering: Jerry Chua
Vocal Producer: Aaron Matthew Lim
Electric Guitar: Sin Sek Jhia
Producer: Tay Sia Yeun, Aaron Matthew Lim

Artwork: Edricism (Edric Hsu)
Press Bio: Teochew Alex
Photography: Marcus Mok

Melody:Tay Sia Yeun, Derrick Tham, Sin Sek Jhia
Music Arrangement:Sin Sek Jhia
Lyrics:Tay Sia Yeun, Lynn Lee
Producer:Tay Sia Yeun, Aaron Matthew Lim
Recording/Mixing:Sin Sek Jhia
Released on:20/05/2022

Single: The Music Kungfu Master CREDITS :

Composer: SiaYeun Tay, Derrick Tham, Sin Sek Jhia
Lyricist: SiaYeun Tay, Lynn Lee
Backing Vocals Arrangement: Sin Sek Jhia, Peng Chi Sheng, SiaYeun Tay
Backing Vocals: Sin Sek Jhia, Aaron Matthew Lim
Music Arranger, Recording & Mixing: Sin Sek Jhia
Mastering: Jerry Chua
Vocal Producer: Aaron Matthew Lim
Electric Guitar: Sin Sek Jhia
Producer: SiaYeun Tay, Aaron Matthew Lim

Artwork: Edricism
Press Bio: Teochew Alex
Photography: Marcus Mok

Single : Rêveur


梦 Rêveur

Are dreams a reflection of our real-life yearning, or a revisit of our life’s regrets? -- Tay Sia Yeun

Dreams, like movies, are always an exaggerated and condensed version of the full plot.

A short and fleeting dream is able to revisit old memories and explore new adventures, just like how a movie touches our hearts, excites our passions, and draws the tears from our eyes.

In our dreams, we are able to become the person we could never really be in real life. In our dreams, we have the ability to experience once more the passions of a relationship, or to return to the past and attempt to change our fate. And yet, the morning sun always prods us awake at the most crucial moment.

Perhaps, in our dreams, we all have a certain someone hidden within the depths of our heart. Someone whom we cannot fully fathom, but yet, fills our heart with ache and yearning when we are awake.

So tell me, who is in your dream?

主唱 Singer:郑夏韵 Tay Sia Yeun
作曲 Composer:冯启胜 Peng Chi Sheng
作词 Lyricist:耳间音
编曲 Music Arranger:Celestia
录音/混音 Recording/Mixing:单锡甲 Sin Sek Jhia
插画/Illustration:徐隆 Edric Hsu
录音室/Recording Studio:Intune Music Pte Ltd

Melody:Peng Chi Sheng 冯启胜
Music Arrangement:Celestia
Genre:Pop ballad
Producer:Peng Chi Sheng 冯启胜
Recording/Mixing:Sin Sek Jhia 单锡甲
Released on:15/11/2020

EP "Set Forth"

“Set Forth”

The title track, “Set Forth”, refers to both her journey as well as the perspectives she would like you to hear. This song is also the theme song for a Chinese Play “Sole Mate”, jointly produced by The ETCeteras and Ocean Butterflies.

"Set Forth" is the most precious X'mas gift I ever received so far from my talented best friend, the Runaway Pianist, song writer & my producer, Mr. Peng Chi Sheng. A million thanks to him for entrusting his beautiful creation to me.

Lyrics in Chinese:
我们都曾在漆黑的夜 一直等到天亮
也同样淋着傾盆大雨 反而看清方向
一个人飘荡 让我们慢慢坚强
学会了为自己 盖被后说晚安

曾以为我们过于脆弱 所以容易受伤
却发现伤痛是种本能 有了代表正常
提醒着我们 去检讨 不能重犯
眼泪折射的光 让心能被释放

现在出发 计算好征服今天的步伐
沉溺回忆也不能把昨天留下 现实不该打岔
就倾听 它为你 安排幸福计划

现在出发 别忘了这个世界那么宽大
总会在某个角落 每一个渴望 都有正确解答
风景的变换为了在对的一颗心 住下

我不必反反复复羡慕 谁的地久天长
也不必楚楚可怜搬演 谁的肝肠寸断
只要你愿意 就陪我敞开心房
你会细细体会 还是一起飞翔

现在出发 计算好征服今天的步伐
沉溺回忆也不能把昨天留下 现实不该打岔
就倾听 它为你 安排幸福计划

现在出发 别忘了这个世界那么宽大
总会在某个角落 每一个渴望 都有正确解答
风景的变换为了在对的一颗心 住下
漫长的等待为了 证明对的缘分 无价

* Live string recording (China)
String quartet players: China National Symphony Orchestra
String quartet recording: Li Yue Song
Recording studio: China Agriculture Film and Television Center Studio
Beijing online string producer: Terence Teo
Beijing online string monitoring at Horus Studios, Singapore
String editing / Monitoring engineer: Leonard Fong
Backup vocal arranged by: Peng Chi Sheng
Backup vocal: Tay Sia Yeun

Melody:Peng Chi Sheng 冯启胜
Music Arrangement:Terence Teo
Genre:Pop ballads
Lyrics:Seow Yongli 萧永力
Producer:Peng Chi Sheng 冯启胜
Recording/Mixing:Leonard Fong (Horus Studios)
Released on:01/12/2017

“(I’m) Perfectly Timed”

Because everything happens in its own time – fate is never late once we
disregard the unnecessary competition.

English Lyrics (Translated): -
Waiting for happiness to arrive
Yet how does one grasp that which is always late
I’ll just allow my longing its frantic search
Been there, done that; there’re some people I should forget

Spending my time, watching the days go by
Wondering what’s the worth of “till the end of time”?
I’ll indulge in my memories and let them roam freely
Like it has crossed my mind if the faraway him is having a life better than mine
Well, some words are best left unsaid

As lovers come and go in the crowd, I seek yet remain lost
Why bother, better late than never
Who’s to say what would last forever

I hope for the right time, the right place and the right person, but confusion surrounds
I stumble along, and have thought of escaping
But only Heaven knows the perfect timing
The good things in life come habitually late
Would still happen, like a wondrous accident, through serendipity.

Trumpet:Dan Z’berg
Tenor Sax:Fabian Lim
Trombone:Ben Pelletier
Electric Guitar:Lee Von Cailao
Backup vocal arranged by : Peng Chi Sheng, Tay Sia Yeun
Backup vocal : Tay Sia Yeun

Melody:Peng Chi Sheng 冯启胜
Music Arrangement:大田 DT
Genre:Funk/Acid Jazz
Lyrics:Lin Yan Xin 林艳心
Producer:Peng Chi Sheng 冯启胜
Recording/Mixing:Leonard Fong (Horus Studios)
Released on:01/12/2017

“Good Old Days”

Transports the listener back into Sia Yeun’s childhood. This is also Sia Yeun’s first attempt in writing song lyrics, and in Hokkien dialect.

Lyrics in Chinese:
缕缕纸鹤 系上虔诚
未说出的话 对望眼神
岁月年轮 计算人生 皆无可奈何

一思回首 一眼尽头
时间匆匆 回忆却没走
那些时光啊~ 快乐很轻松“请勿忘初衷”

还记得 那一天 我们 荡秋千 乘着风
大世界 冒险 追新谣 唱(出)的梦
当时同桌 年少轮廓 是否熟悉依旧

回头望 囝仔时 𨑨迌 走相掠 五脚基
田嬰啊 跟风飞 自由去飞 快乐童年 一切随缘

龙头游戏场的雨天 轻轻怀念着的从前
蜻蜓点水面 再见的童年

回头望 囝仔时 𨑨迌 走相掠 五脚基
这快乐童年 往事如烟 希望有缘 感情袂变
龙头游戏场的雨天 滴进了心底的思念
蜻蜓点水面 淡淡的重现 我的童年
淡淡卻重現 再見童年

(1) 田嬰 (读:tshân-inn谐音: 蚕一) = 蜻蜓
(2) 袂 (读:buay)= 不会

Electric Guitar: Orion J
Backup vocal arranged by : Peng Chi Sheng
Backup vocal:Aaron Matthew Lim, Tay Sia Yeun

Melody:Peng Chi Sheng 冯启胜
Music Arrangement:Terence Teo
Lyrics:Lynn 敏琳 / Tay Sia Yeun 郑夏韵 (Hokkien Lyrics)
Producer:Peng Chi Sheng 冯启胜
Recording/Mixing:Leonard Fong (Horus Studios)
Released on:01/12/2017

“Flutter” (featuring Brian Ng 黄超群)

Describes the state of two hearts as they approach. Sub theme song for Chinese Play “Sole Mate”. Featuring Brian Ng.

Lyrics in Chinese:
(女) 酒杯透着光 (男) 能否看穿
(女) 我踏上双红鞋 在爱里旋转 (男) 谁在说谎
(女) 绕着弯 心在慌 片段为谁回荡 (男) 谁能回到
(女) 谁习惯 谁变样 (合) 开始爱 总是讨好

(男) 风雨中喧哗 (女)谁能平凡
(男) 就算浪漫消散 爱只要坚强 (女) 如果勉强
(男) 交换时间步伐 替换了信仰 (女) 同化希望
(合) 是否能调适吻合 (男) 自己的另一半 (女) 完成我的一半

(合) 说不完的情话 (谁还要欲盖弥彰)
(合) 现实中的童话 (为了爱说服真相)
(合) 白色的谎 布满鲜花 美得不忍揭穿 心荡漾
(合) 说不完的情话 (谁还要欲盖弥彰)
(合) 现实中的童话 (为了爱说服真相)
(合) 反复珍藏 觉醒的感伤

(合) 谁荡漾 俯视着希望
(合) 谁荡漾 悬着个愿望
(合) 爱情里人各式各样 在游晃
(合) 荡~荡一荡 不舍的灿烂 荡一荡 沉溺的迷惘
(合) 若我爱上就不怕 受点伤

Bass / Guitar:大田 DT
Trumpet:Steward Kirwan
Electric Guitar:Orion J
Violin:Zhang ZiJian
Backup vocal arranged by : 冯启胜
Soprano:Wang Tong
Backup vocal:Aaron Matthew Lim, Peng Chi Sheng

Melody:Peng Chi Sheng 冯启胜
Music Arrangement:大田 DT
Lyrics:Lynn 敏琳
Producer:Peng Chi Sheng 冯启胜
Recording/Mixing:Leonard Fong (Horus Studios)
Released on:01/12/2017

EP "Set Forth" CREDITS :

Published by:Tay Sia Yeun
Executive & music producer :Peng Chi Sheng
Recording studio : Horus Studios
Recording engineer : Leonard Fong
Mixing and mastering engineer : Leonard Fong
Photographer : A Nictay Production
Album design : Semistudio
Copywriter : Yongli Seow
《Set Forth》Music video director:Koo Chia Meng @ Fiction Shore
《Set Forth》Music video shooting location sponsor:Print Dynamics (S) Pte Ltd
《Set Forth》EP profile photo shooting location sponsor:CATFeine
Illustration for《Set Forth》and 《Good Old Days》: Ah Guo
Original Publisher (OP): Intune Music Publishing
© Copyright: Tay Sia Yeun
Release date : December 2017

SPECIAL CREDITS TO : The ETCeteras and Ocean Butterflies Music Singapore for using my songs《Set Forth》and 《Flutter》 in "Sole Mate 同鞋会" play, as the theme song and sub theme song respectively.

Athens Salon, PoMo. CATFeine, SunnyHills, Print Dynamics (S) Pte Ltd